Bummis Organic Cotton Prefolds Diaper, 7-20 Pounds
Bummis - click on the image below for more information.
- These cloth diapers should be washed and dried 3-5 times before using to remove the natural oils and waxes, please expect an approximate shrinkage of about 20-25% after completing the pre-washes
- Each half dozen cloth diapers comes in its own beautiful organic cotton packaging bag with a colourful snap closure
- Our organic cotton prefold diapers are made in pakistan; we are currently working with our supplier on obtaining sa 8000 certification in social accountability
Introducing our new organic cotton prefold diapers. These are a totally affordable luxury. Made of 100% certified organic cotton twill, they are wonderfully thick and thirsty. They come in a gorgeous unbleached color and are incredibly soft. And the more you wash them, the softer they become. Use our prefolds with a Super Whisper Wrap, Super Brite or Bummi Original for a great and affordable cloth diapering system. Superb absorption and a snug and waterproof fit – you just can't go wrong with a prefold system. It is versatile and extremely durable. Preemie: 2 - 4 kg (4 - 9 pounds) - 2x6x2 ply (perfect fit with a Super Brite newborn).
Bummis Organic Cotton Prefolds Diaper, 7-20 Pounds
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Small Bummis Whisper Wraps
Image by lapoli
Bummis Wraps durable, waterproof, comfy, easy to use, and super cute! Velcro closures allow for a fantastically adjustable fit. This video shows just how easy they are to use with fitted diapers or prefold inserts.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Question about diaper covers (thirsties & bummis)?
Best answer:
I used size one thirsties covers since birth. My son is 5 months and can still use a size one cover. They were great from birth though. We use mostly pockets now. Seems to me, you have plenty of coversI have a small thirsties cover that has just recently stopped fitting my 6 month old, she was 17lbs at her last dr appointment about a month ago. I have discovered though, that while prefolds are the cheapest, you could probably use an all in one diaper as well as the one size, which he may be able to fit into after a few weeks, congrats on your new baby and good luck with the diapering!
Orignal From: Bummis Organic Cotton Prefolds Diaper, 7-20 Pounds Reviews
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