
Don't Go There!: The Travel Detective's Essential Guide to the Must-Miss Places of the World

Don't Go There!: The Travel Detective's Essential Guide to the Must-Miss Places of the World

Travel Essentials - click on the image below for more information.

Travel Essentials

We've all suffered through bad vacations: tourist traps, endless lines, rundown hotels, and the worst airports on earth. Before you book your next trip, get all of the facts--that "idyllic" beachfront hotel could really be one of the world's hellholes.In this follow-up to his New York Times bestseller, The Complete Travel Detective Bible, Peter Greenberg shares his experiences and hard-won knowledge of where not to go and why, so you can make sure your big vacation isn't to a dismal destination.From dangerous roads, crime-ridden cities, and countries overrun with disease to depressing destinations, polluted beaches, and place that (literally) stink, the ultimate travel expert leaves no stone unturned, no garbage heap unexplored, to list the locations you should forget even exist.Backed up by information he has been compiling for years, Greenberg unapologetically exposes misrepresented resorts, corrupt countries, and cringe-worthy cruise ships so that travelers can confidently pack thei

Don't Go There!: The Travel Detective's Essential Guide to the Must-Miss Places of the World

Click on the button for more Travel Essentials information and reviews.

Travel Essentials
Travel Essentials

Image by SP8254 - Catching Up

Here's some of the things I pack when traveling! EcoTools Travel Brush Set www.walgreens.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com FTC Disclaimer: I purchased all of these products myself except for the free samples I mentioned that I received with purchase. I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned. I am not being compensated for this video and all opinions are my own.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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